Hillsborough County Announcements

9/5/24 Commissioner Cohen’s office wants everyone in Town ‘N Country to know of the actions they took to mitigate flooding in Town N Country in the past few days. The links below are letters from the County Commissioner’s office.
This is a copy of an email I received today. Finally Northbridge Blvd is on the list for Capital Improvement Projects. If you go to the link there are quite a few capital Improvement Projects planned for our area. I just started looking at it, but it looks like some other projects on the list include part of Jackson Springs Road, several culvert repairs, several safety and bike improvements including where the Green Way crosses Web, sidewalk improvements for safety along Sheldon Rd. There is a map with dots you can click on to see the projects. I will put the project summary sheets for the projects on our Facebook page in the next week. I hope we can get a lot of people involved when they are ready for public input.
The Email Text:
Hillsborough County is in the process of issuing a work order to the design consultant in order to initiate the design phase for this resurfacing project. The construction is currently anticipated for fiscal year 2026. You may see the project progress in the Capital Improvement Program Viewer Hillsborough County. Once the work order is issued the project schedule will be updated accordingly. https://maps.hillsboroughcounty.org/CIP_Viewer/CIP_Viewer.html On the top right “Search Active Projects” write the project number or title. You may also use the map to search the location by address.



Posted 2/21/2024

Hillsborough County has launched a new web site that should make navigating the different departments easier.  https://hcfl.gov/


3/13/2024   Commissioner Cohen asked us to shared this article

Tampa Bay watering once a week looks like it’s helping, officials say Under restrictions due to dry conditions, Hillsborough County in particular was praised for education and enforcement. Watering the lawn in Tampa Bay has been restricted to once a week. And the driest months have just hit. [ Times (2019) ] By Sue CarltonTimes staff Tue., March 12, 2024 @ 6:29am For lawn-loving Tampa Bay residents dutifully watering only once a week, here’s news: Officials say combined with rain and cooler temperatures, there are signs that education and conservation are making a difference — particularly in Hillsborough County, the biggest water consumer in the region. The rules — which assign once-a-week watering days by the last number of an address — were established for Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties last year under severe drought conditions across Tampa Bay following a record dry summer. Those restrictions were just extended through July 1 by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This month, parts of the region remained “abnormally dry,” according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. At a recent meeting of Tampa Bay Water, the area’s wholesale water supplier, Hillsborough was praised for both getting the word out and appearing to get results. “The months of December and January, it was cooler, it was wetter, and there was a lot of conservation messaging,” Warren Hogg, chief science officer with Tampa Bay Water, told the board at its Feb. 26 meeting. “And the county has done a fantastic job of getting out the message and enforcing restrictions, and we’ve seen significant declines in demand for those two months.” The region’s rainfall deficit has averaged 5.4 inches over the last year, and outdoor watering — not other household uses such as showering — accounts for up to half of the water used at home. By not watering on a day that it rains, a household can save 1,500 to 2,500 gallons, Tampa Bay Water said as part of the water conservation campaign. “It’s working, and we need people to know it’s working,” said Hillsborough County Commissioner Harry Cohen, chairperson of Tampa Bay Water. Officials noted that the region is headed into the driest months of the year.

Those caught soaking their lawns on days or times when they’re not designated can receive a warning and, on a second violation, a citation with the fee determined by their city or county government. In Hillsborough, a violation costs $100 and increases by $100 for each violation after that, with a maximum of $500. In Pinellas, the fine is $193, which is doubled for a subsequent violation. In Tampa, there are no warnings: the first citation is $100, the second is $200 and the third means a mandatory court appearance. Since restrictions kicked in late last year, through February Hillsborough issued 507 warnings and 23 citations. Pinellas handed out 47 warnings and 90 citations. Tampa gave out 106 citations. Approximately $180,000 has been spent getting the message out through radio ads, digital billboards and other means, officials said at the meeting. Under the current rules, addresses ending in 0 or 1 can water on Mondays; ending in 2 or 3 on Tuesdays; 4 or 5 on Wednesdays; 6 or 7 on Thursdays; and 8 or 9 on Fridays. Watering is generally allowed before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. unless the city or county has more restrictive hours. Low-volume watering of plants and shrubs — such as hand watering or using a soaker hose — is allowed any day or time. Residents can visit MyWaterDay.org to learn more